Since 1994 our event specialists are paying attention to every single detail of clients needs up until the last moment. We consist of a professional multilingual staff with many years of experience. Our streinght is service, as our staff is available 24 hours a day for all our clients.
Our leadership in the Czech market was affirmed by obtaining Certificate of Quality ISO 9001:2000 as the first travel agency ever in the Czech Republic (in 2003)
Phone: +420 233 377 711
„The best touroperator for Asia“ in 2001 – 2003, 2007 - 2010
„The best touroperator for America“ in 2002, 2004 and 2006 - 2010
„The best Czech travel agency“ 2004 – 2010
In 2008 we have been awarded Thailand Tourism Awards „Friends of Thailand“
ESO travel has been awarded by the prestigous award Czech 100 Top companies in 2005 – 2010
Every year we are supporting several major Czech charity programs focused on helping childrens.
We are proud partner of Czech Miss competition since 2009
Mohlo by se vám líbit
Ocenění udělená odborným časopisem TTG:
Několikanásobný nejlepší touroperátor pro Ameriku
a nejlepší touroperátor pro Asii, Austrálii a Oceánii.
Pravidelně mezi nejlepšími třemi CK pro subsaharskou Afriku
a pro cestování za kulturou, památkami a dobrodružstvím.
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