Employer: A medium-sized enterprise comprising multinational property share engaged in production and distribution of medicaments and pharmaceutical preparations.
Key target group: Employer’s staff members and distributors.
Reasoning for the application of the incentive scheme: Changeover of in-house ordering and information software.
Objective: An Employer’s decision to change their in-house ordering and information software based on the impulse of the foreign co-owner. Such a complex administrative step would be impossible without being strongly supported by the permanent staff.
ESO travel incentive project: A group trip abroad which the company’s top management and senior staff, permanent staff members and distributors attended. The participants stayed at a cosy ****hotel on the beach with an accompanying programme. In a relaxed atmosphere, the local congress centre hosted a plenary session with a presentation of the new software including basic user training. The remainder of the time was used to address the issues in detail in working groups. Last but not least, time was dedicated to pro-active resting of the participants taking learning trips. On the way home, a visit to the parent company based in Vienna was organised by ESO travel, where the participants could see the new software working in real life. Event duration: 11 days.
Conclusion: ESO travel was one of the means supporting the subsequent seamless deployment of the new ordering and information software. This new electronic connection between the Employer and its foreign controlling body enabled the further development of the company.
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Několikanásobný nejlepší touroperátor pro Ameriku
a nejlepší touroperátor pro Asii, Austrálii a Oceánii.
Pravidelně mezi nejlepšími třemi CK pro subsaharskou Afriku
a pro cestování za kulturou, památkami a dobrodružstvím.
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